“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
At Living Hope Church there are lots of ways to be generous in how we give - from your time and energy to using your gifts to help with the running of our church life and events. A vital part of our generosity is through financial giving.
The opportunity to give financially is one of the great privileges that comes with being a follower of Jesus.
We worship a God who willingly gave everything he had and when we give joyfully we are imitating him.
At Living Hope we are grateful for the generosity of many people who make the ministry and mission of our church community and our mission partners possible.
See below how you can give to the work of Living Hope Church Thurmaston.
bank transfer
St Luke’s PCC
Account Number: 00022948
Sort Code:
"Living Hope"
regular giving
You can set up a regular gift to
Living Hope Church. Our parish giving scheme will be operational soon.
You can give at any of our Sunday services where there is an opportunity to give cash or by card.